Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving at Home

Even though it was just us for Thanksgiving, Scott wanted to do the turkey thing, and his turkeys are fabulous so I thought it was a great idea! Braden helped w/ the potatoes:

Ate in our dining room for the first time:
Carter's first Thankgiving meal!
Braden said he is thankful for Thanksgiving! Fun day!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Open Gym at the YMCA

Lots of fun pictures from the YMCA open gym this morning, followed by a great lunch!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lego Airplane

Legoland at Downtown Disney had tons of great things for Braden, but Scott's parents couldn't resist sending a very intricate lego airplane for Scott! Scott and Braden took all weekend to build it. As soon as it was finished, I got a picture:

Literally, about 30 seconds after the picture was taken, Braden dropped it and shattered it into a million pieces!
No worries, Daddy fixed it for them the next night!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pilot Safety Award

Although this happened in May, I just got a copy of the article in Air Combat Command's magazine:

You probably can't read it, it says:
"Pilot Safety Award of Distinction, Maj Scott M. Seigfried, 55EFS, 332 AEW, Joint Base Balad, Iraq. Near dusk on 30 May 10, Maj Scott "Kelso" Seigfried was operating his F-16 over Baghdad, Iraq in support of OIF. While performing armed over watch, the aircraft suffered an unusual emergency situation. As Maj Seigfried pushed up the throttle, the PTO shaft which transfers power from the engine to the accessory drive gearbox failed. This uncommon occurrence resulted in the loss of normal electrical and hydraulics systems. Reacting quickly and relying solely on the EPU to power the flight controls, Maj Seigfried immediately pointed the aircraft towards Joint Base Balad, almost 50 miles away. He noted the loss of the HUD, MFDs, and radar. The HUD serves as the primary flight instrument while the MFDs show the aircraft's position. Referencing his checklist and using his Wingman to replace vital situational awareness displays, Maj Seigfried expertly analyzed the problem. He tested and used backup systems, worked with the SOF to create a recovery plan, and used his Wingman as a chase aircraft for mutual support. Due to loss of hydraulic power, Maj Seigfried performed an alternate landing gear extension. He set up for and executed a flawless ILS approach and landed on secondary instruments. With only limited backup braking, Maj Seigfried stopped the aircraft on the runway and coordinated the shutdown with rescue crews. The operation of the EPU can be toxic and required careful consideration by the pilot to prevent harmful exposure to him and ground crews. Superb airmanship is required to simply keep the aircraft safely flying, at night, on essentially all backup systems. Maj Seigfried's actions preserved the combat capability of a $30 million US asset and should be recognized."

So proud of him and so glad he didn't tell me about this until he got home!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hollywood Studios

We flew down to Orlando this past week and met up with Scott's parents for a magical week at Disney World! Disney offers such a wonderful discount for military members, so we try to go and use it when we can! We planned the trip right when Scott left for Iraq, so I've been looking forward to it for a while...and we definitely weren't disappointed! November is the perfect time to go...awesome weather and not too crowded. Braden and Carter had so much fun, and it was so fun to experience it with them all together! And, Scott's parents watched the boys a few nights so Scott and I could go out to perfect of a vacation as it gets!!!

We got to meet Woody and Buzz...but, when we finally got to the front of the line, Braden got scared of them! Oh well!
The new Toy Story ride is amazing...we had four fast pass tickets, so each of us took Braden so he got to ride a bunch!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom was an amazing day! We had lunch in Cinderella's castle, and all the princesses came out to meet the boys...Belle liked Braden, as you can see! Carter was able to ride a bunch of rides, and we stayed for the parade and fireworks in the evening...great day!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sea World

On our first day we went to Sea World...military gets in FREE! There's a great area with kid rides that Braden just loved, and of course the shows were great (the Shamu show has changed a bit which is sad, but it was still fun). We got to see them feeding the dolphins before we left, both boys were mesmerized!