Saturday, February 20, 2010

Our little Helper

Moving this week is no fun, but Braden has proven to be such a help!

Carrying a bag of his own toys to the car...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carter James is 5 months old today!

Five months...getting to be such a big boy!
Stats: approx 14lbs and getting taller fits easily in size 6-month clothes
Routine: one good nap during the day, sleeps (most nights) through the night!
Accomplishments: A few new things this month...first, he started rolling from his back to his stomach (but we have yet to find him sleeping that way in his crib!). Also, he's getting bored of the swing and playmat, so we got out the exercaucer...LOVES it!

**thank you Jamie C. for loaning this to us...awesome!
Our next big adventure...solid foods as soon as we get moved into our new house next week!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Look what my little Valentine made me this week! He's getting really good at coloring :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Vacation at the Von Trapp Family Lodge

After skiing we'd hang out at the lodge, make dinner, play with the kids, and just catch up! So much fun!

Carter's new BFF...the adorable Kaitlyn...unbelievable cuteness together!

Kaitlyn and Carter's FIRST babysitter ever (besides grandparents) while we were skiing!! They did great for her, and of course she loved them too!

Guitar Hero lessons...

Skiing at Stowe

This week our family met up with our good friends, the Knowles, to go skiing in Stowe...the first time either Scott or I have been skiing in about 8 years!!! It was AWESOME!! We had a blast, but, needless to say, were a bit sore afterward! In fact, the four of us skied Monday and Tuesday, and on Wednesday the boys skied while Jess and I went to the spa to get massages...heaven!!

yes, this probably was a bunny slope, but we did mostly blues, seriously!

Scott and Tim are a bit more advanced, so we split up at times so they could do the black diamonds...