Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Party

I loved dressing up for Halloween! Here we are getting ready for Squirl's party...

Scott as a Ninja-type thing:
Me as a Geisha:

We got a sitter for Braden but Carter's just too young still for us to leave without him, so off the party he went. Here's our "where is waldo" shot...can you find him in his froggie costume? He is quite literally a party animal!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Party Playdate

Lots of fun at Braden's dress-up playdate at Acadia's!
Here he is with Henry the fireman and Clay as John Travolta:

Yummy snacks:

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed (quite appropriate since Acadia actually was dressed like a monkey!)

Carter's first girlfriend...getting kisses from the pretty girls already :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Haunted Barn

The students at the University of Vermont open up their barn every year for a Haunted Barn trick-or-treat, where the horses and riders dress up in adorable costumes and pass out candy...such a cute idea and tons of fun for the kids! Here are pictures of just a few of the creative characters:
Shaggy and Scooby doo

A "Cow"

Punk Rock Pony

Monday, October 26, 2009

My little Froggies

My mom MADE Braden's sweet halloween costume (she started while she was in Vermont waiting for baby Carter to arrive!), so these costumes are extra-special to us! I found a little baby froggie for Carter to match, so here they are!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


After Braden's nap today I gave him a little snack...that he quickly decided to share with his brother!! Oh dear!

Skylar's Bday party at Pizza Putt

Today was Braden's buddy, Skylar's, 4th birthday party. Perfect to have the party at Pizza Putt on a rainy day like this!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trying to play...

I have a goal of trying to keep up as much of Braden's schedule "pre-Carter" as I can, but I have to admit it's about 10 times harder to get out the door with everyone dressed, fed, changed, etc in the mornings! But today we did finally make it to the playgroup in Colchester...we like to go here once a week in the winter because, besides the great toys, they always read a book or two and then sing songs together in a circle at the end, and Braden (and I) just love that!

Changing of the Colors

A panoramic of our backyard a few days ago...I just love the fall colors in New England! It was much more spectacular in areas with more maple trees, so you can just imagine how beautiful it's been here lately.

Friday, October 16, 2009

One Month Old

Today is Carter’s one month birthday! I can’t believe it’s already been an entire month! A friend of mine found these cute little shirt stickers to help document her baby’s first year, I love the idea and can’t help but steal it :)

Stats: Carter is 10 lbs and approximately 22 inches tall. He continues to be near the 50th percentile, which means he’s eating good and growing consistently like he should!
Schedule: Over the last few weeks we’ve pretty much established a schedule…Carter eats every 2 ½-3 hours, and sleeps most of the time in between. We don’t wake him up at night so sometimes this stretch is about 4 hrs, and I think he “clusters” his feeling to every two hours or so at night to compensate. So, this means he eats around midnight, 3 am, 6 am, 9am, etc. I really haven’t been watching the clock too much and just try to react to his cues. Luckily, he’s become really efficient at nursing so these feedings usually take only about 30 minutes. Scott’s been helping a lot by giving him a bottle at one of the late night feedings when he can, so I’ve been able to sleep a bit more on those nights!
Recent accomplishments: He’s been a lot more alert during the day lately, so it’s been really fun to watch him react to light changes and motion. He’s starting to enjoy his bouncy seat and we just put him in the swing for the first time yesterday and he seems to really like that too. However, he’s a very cuddly baby and is the most happy when he’s being held or bundled in the sling.

Scott and I think he’s already developing a little personality…overall he seems to be a relaxed, chill little guy who doesn’t seems to be bothered by the crazy two-year old brother who constantly wants to hold and kiss him and sometimes is a bit too rough in doing so. Lucky for us and maybe lucky for him as he continues to grow up in this household!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our first Jack-o-lantern!

Scott and Pappa Seigfried did most of the work, and our first pumpkin turned out really cute! Braden's favorite part was lighting and blowing out the candle though...we have a little pyromaniac here!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Carriage Ride In Stowe

Yesterday was a beautiful day for a carriage ride through Stowe! With the fall colors, it really was spectacular. We've been wanting to do this for a while, and with Bonnie and Mike in town to meet baby Carter, this was the perfect time to go.

Carter was the youngest person Scottie, the driver, ever took for a tour!

Carter meets Grandpop

Carter has been really looking forward to meeting and spending time with Papa Seigfried this week (and Braden's pretty happy about it too!!). Lucky boys!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fall Harvest Festivals

Seems the thing to do in Vermont this time of year is go to harvest festivals...they've had them in many towns around here over the past several weeks. Last weekend we went with Bonnie and Anna, Stella and Kendall to the Underhill Harvest Festival, where they had lots of crafts and vendors and tons of homemade food (donuts and cider, yum!). Today we went to Mazza's Harvest Festival, which had a lot of kid activities like pony rides, petting zoo, and the corn maze. Here are a few pics from to get outside and enjoy the fall!