Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chew Chew Festival

Today we went to the annual "Chew Chew" Festival in downtown Burlington, where over 40 local restaurants and food vendors sell bites of their specialties. Somehow I seem to find out about all the stuff around town that focuses on food...hmm...must be because I'm 7 months pregnant! Well, whatever the reason, we went and ate lots of yummy food and Braden got to ride some of the kiddie rides. Great way to spend the afternoon, especially since we haven't gotten to enjoy a weekend just the three of us together in a while (between Scott working alert and all of our recent traveling and guests), it was really nice.

What a big boy...riding the choo choo train all by himself!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

For the first time in over a year and a half, all my brothers and sister and our spouses were able to be together! It was extra special to spend the weekend with my Dad, who is recovering from a pretty intense surgery to remove tongue and throat cancer. He looks great! Of course there is still pain, and the imminent chemo and radiation treatments, but he was able to communicate and enjoy his time with his kids and grandson.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shelburne Farms

Yesterday we met my friend and her daughters at the Shelburne Farms to check out the children's farmyard and to watch them make cheese (and try samples too!). Great morning...and no surprise that Braden loved all the animals!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

VT Teddy Bear and Jazz Festival

On Friday, Mom, Greg, Braden and I took a tour at the famous Vermont Teddy Bear factory and ended up hanging out in Downtown Burlington at the Jazz Festival on Church Street. What a fun day! I love showing my family our beautiful new city!
Stopping for some Ben and Jerry's ...yummy

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Grandma Linda's Birthday celebration at Disney!

For Grandma Linda's _ _ birthday, she flew Braden and I out to Orlando to celebrate! We went to Hollywood Studios, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Downtown Disney, and the Holy Land Experience. Braden LOVES "me-mou" (Mickey Mouse), and we had a wonderful time visiting all the countries at Epcot and dining in England and Morocco. Braden really enjoyed the Animal Kingdom and especially loved calling all the animals by name...lion, elephant, giraffe...he's really becoming such a big boy!

Dinner at Marakash, Epcot
Ice Cream at Ghiradelli's is a must at Downtown Disney!!!
Overlooking "Jerusalem"