Sunday, May 31, 2009

Zachary's 6th Birthday

We went to Maryland from Thursday through Sunday to celebrate Zachary's sixth birthday...I can't believe little Zachy-do is 6 already!!! Wow, it's just that I remember so vividly meeting him for the first time as a little baby, 6 really?!?

Anyway, it was a wonderful party and fabulous long weekend...we have so much fun with the Adams, it's indescribable how happy Braden is when he is with his cousins. So much love!!!

(Ben, Braden, Zach, Jake)
You've gotta admit, these are four handsome boys!!! IMPOSSIBLE to get a good picture together since they are NEVER sitting still, but this one turned out cute.
Braden's a little fish---first time unsupported (with swimmies only) in the water...loved it!

Visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Seigfried

Besides building a swing set, we had a great time with Braden's grandparents last week...thought I'd post a few of my favorite ones taken at random times throughout. As you can tell, Braden loves Pappa and Gramma.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Evolution of a Swing Set

Memorial Day weekend...great time to build a swing set for Braden! Grandma and Grandpa Seigfried came out to help---thank you SO very much!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Parade

Today the town of Essex held their Memorial Day parade, so we took Braden to join the celebration. Braden loved the horses, the fire trucks, the bands, and especially the cool flag and candy they handed out :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Another beautiful Burlington day

Now that the weather is so nice, we like to spend as much time outside as possible! I've been busy finding deals on outdoor toys, so here's Braden playing with a few new ones...with his "cottage" on the phone and on the little coup my friend gave us.

Afterward, we went inside to have popsicles...Braden stole mommy's, but I let him because I was too busy laughing! How can you be mad at someone so resourceful?!?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kid's Day in Downtown Burlington

Today the city of Burlington hosted Kid's Day, a huge fair on the waterfront with all kinds of fun things for kids, including bouncies, crafts, noodle building, entertainment, a parade, and of course, food!! We went with Anna and her beautiful twins, Kendall and much fun!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Braden's new toy :)

What a nice surprise from Grandma and Grandpa Seigfried...Thank you! As you can tell, he loves it!