Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday: Santa Ana Zoo with Pat, Matt & Nat

On Monday (our last day in California!) my brother, Matt and his girlfriend Natalie joined Braden, Grandma Pat and I on a visit to the Santa Ana Zoo. There were lots of monkeys there---which of course Braden loves---but the best part was the petting zoo...Braden was actually able to feed the animals!

Sunday: playdate with Charlie & Wyatt and then Dad's Bday dinner

Sat: Visiting Uncle Dave and then Greg's Surprise Bday

On Saturday Braden got to see his Uncle Dave for the first time in 11 months! It was so fun to visit with him, and he really enjoyed playing with Braden.

After our visit we went to Riverside where 60 of Greg's closest friends and family met for his surprise birthday party. They had face painting to celebrate 50 yrs of being young---so Braden and I had fun with that.

Fri: Celebrating Greg's 50th Bday

After we surprised Greg at breakfast with our presence in California, the five of us went to Disneyland for the day to celebrate! Beautiful day, and Aunt Jackie went on rides she probably never has (the kiddy rides!)

Thurs: Balboa with Dad

We spent our first day back in California with my Dad, who took the day off work to take us to the Balboa fun zone and across the water to Newport. We walked on the piers and through the playground. Braden had so much fun spending time with HaHo (Grandpa Carl)

On the pier we spotted a cute!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Braden has been going to Ms. Christy's house for two days a week so he can meet friends and learn lots of new things (and I can look for jobs, do errands, and just get stuff done!!). We love you can see, Christy is much braver than I would ever be--letting Braden paint like that!!

A few of the Braden's new friends playing in the's been beautiful outside lately!


I can't believe I found a class for toddlers of Braden's age that's not a, Braden gets to learn how to swim and how to follow a teacher's instructions, perfect!

Blowing bubbles!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ben and Jerry's Festival!

The perfect place for a 1 1/2 yr old and a 13-week pregnant mom...the Ben and Jerry's festival this weekend! Lots of Vermont venders with free food, free tours of the ice cream making plant with free ice cream tasting. Of course it would be fun no matter what, but say "free" and "food" to me (especially free ice cream!) in the same sentence and I'm there!! Well, Scott and Braden enjoyed themselves too :)

Here is Scott and Braden with the "Echo Gecko" (from the aquarium...they were there too).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Playing around VT

Lots of playgroups means Braden gets to do lots of fun things...and I get out of the house and meet fun people!