Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mardi Gras in Burlington

We missed the actual Mardi Gras parade in downtown Burlington today since it was 18 degrees, but we did catch the end with the huge crowds and crazy college kids. Braden was bundled up but enjoying the scene.

Helping mommy and daddy pick out names...

Braden has some definite opinions on what we should call his brother or sister :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Open Gym

Our new town has so many fun playgroups for little kids, we just love it. On Saturdays they have "open gym," just a bunch of mats and toys and tunnels, which is great fun for the little ones. Braden really tired himself out this morning running around, so he's taking a great nap (and I now I have time to post pictures!).

Sharing a snack with his new girlfriend, Kendall.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fun at Echo

Today we went w/ the local playgroup to Echo, the aquarium in Burlington. It was fun to make new friends, learn about the local waterways and see fish and starfish (below). Echo has a great playroom that Braden really loved too. We'll definitely come back!