Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Scott's fini flight

Last week was Scott's last flight w/ the 310 FS, which means all the guys met him on the flight line and hosed him down w/ champagne, and Braden and I were there to witness the whole thing.

Christmas is coming...

Because of our move, we did an early Christmas with the Ballard family over the Thanksgiving weekend...what a wonderful time.

Also, while living on base for a few weeks in Dec, Santa and his elves came to visit Braden and brought him a gift! He must have been a very good boy this year :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at my Dad's house, with about 40 of our family and close friends. Braden loved the turkey, but didn't care much for the silly hat we tried to put on him :)