Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Scott's fini flight

Last week was Scott's last flight w/ the 310 FS, which means all the guys met him on the flight line and hosed him down w/ champagne, and Braden and I were there to witness the whole thing.

Christmas is coming...

Because of our move, we did an early Christmas with the Ballard family over the Thanksgiving weekend...what a wonderful time.

Also, while living on base for a few weeks in Dec, Santa and his elves came to visit Braden and brought him a gift! He must have been a very good boy this year :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at my Dad's house, with about 40 of our family and close friends. Braden loved the turkey, but didn't care much for the silly hat we tried to put on him :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Packers were here all day Thurs, Fri and Mon, and the moving van is almost done today! We had to live w/ boxes all weekend, but Braden didn't mind:)

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Play group this week was at the park by the duck pond...when Braden saw the ducks, he sprinted straight to them--and into the water!! Hence, the diaper and no clothes! But, he had fun.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sedona, AZ

Aunt Jackie flew out and joined us on our mini-vacation for the long weekend to Sedona. We did a jeep tour through the rocks and had a fantastic time shopping, eating out, and just enjoying our time away together!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Trick-or-treating w/ Braden's best bud, Charlize, and fun at the 310 FS Halloween party!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun at the Pumpkin Farm

Friday's play group was at the pumpkin farm...Braden got to roam around the pumpkin patch, meet lots of animals, go through a corn maze, and even ride the tractor!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa Ballard

Lots of fun last weekend...Grandma Pat and Grandpa Carl came to visit. We went to the bouncie gym, Braden's gymnastics class, and played and played!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Braden's playdate with Ethan

Ethan and Braden had fun in the water park, on the swings, and later for ice cream. Ethan is Braden's buddy closest in age, so it's so fun to see them together (and fun to hang out with his mommy too!)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fun at the Little gym

Braden just loves his Little gym class...he gets to walk on the balance beam, hang on the bars, learn somersaults, play with bubbles and balls and lots more. Daddy got to go with us this week! Fun!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bye bye TwoTeeth

Since May, we've been calling Braden "TwoTeeth" for obvious reasons :)
But today, finally, a top one came through!

Spoiled again...

Braden got non-stop attention this last week when Grandma and Grandpa Seigfried came to visit and help us sort though things in preparation for our move. Lots of fun!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Adventuring out!

Finally under 100 degrees in Phoenix! So, Braden's first time at the park and to the Phoenix kids fair this weekend. Lots of fun in the bouncies :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Actual walking

Braden with his new walking toy

Braden loves his walking toy...he took his first actual steps on Thurs, so stay tuned for video of him walking all by himself!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Burlington, VT, here we come!!

So exciting...we love our new home, Burlington, Vermont!! We're not moving for a few months, but we went there this week and got a house. Here's us playing in the front yard--grass is a new thing for Braden! The house is pretty big...you'll have to look close to see Braden in this one!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Braden, the Ringbearer

What a BEAUTIFUL wedding Aunt Jackie and Uncle Bill had! They were married on August 9th at Rancho Capistrano. Mommy was the matron-of-honor, Braden was the ring bearer! We're still awaiting the photographer's pics (with pics including Scott!!), but's here's a cute one of Braden going down the aisle, of my Dad and the GORGEOUS bride, my new Brother-in-law, giving my toast, and dancing w/ my brother, Matt.

Braden's Birthday....WEEK!!

Braden turned 1 on August 17th...but we began celebrating on Aug 8th! Big Bday party at Grandma Pat's and Grandpa Carl's, followed by a Bday party with the Seigfrieds celebrating Braden and Ben's #1 (and lots of NY restaurant "happy birthday" cakes/ice cream, etc.)