Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Braden the Sweet Pea!

Although he's a bit too young for trick or treating, Braden got into the Halloween spirit as a sweet pea this year (I know, not a big stretch from reality!!)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Whipple's Wedding

This weekend we travelled to Greenwich, Connecticut, to attend the gorgeous wedding of Emily and Mark Whipple, great friends of Scott since elementary school. Braden did an awesome job surviving the 4 1/2 hour flight to JFK...the lady besides us said he was a natural...go figure!!

The gang at the rehearsal dinner!

It was fun to actually dress up for a change!!

Braden hang out in the hotel room before the babysitter arrived so we could go to the wedding :)

One handsome groomsman (in my opinion!!)

Unfortunately, I didn't get too many pics during the wedding...too busy dancing!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Braden's trip to Albuquerque

This weekend Braden took his very first airplane ride to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to visit with Michelle and her family. Since he's a little pumpkin himself, he fit right in at the pumpkin patch!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Braden's boy's weekend

Braden spent the weekend with sports...watching Daddy play lacrosse, playing on his gym mat and then watching football all afternoon!

Unfortunately, the Jets lost :(

"Please, no pictures, I'm trying to sleep here!!"